Victory Fund Endorses Ryan Hampton

The LGBTQ+ Victory Fund has endorsed Ryan Hampton for Nevada State Assembly, District 4. The Victory Fund supports pro-equality, pro-choice, out LGBTQ+ candidates at all levels of government. They have endorsed 200 candidates for the 2024 election cycle.

Hampton is a national addiction recovery advocate and person in long-term recovery himself. He has worked with multiple non-profits nationwide to end overdose and served in leadership capacities for various community organizing initiatives.

The Victory Fund stated “Ryan Hampton believes in the power of people to change our community for the better. Whether we live in big cities or rural towns—no matter our social or economic status—we all need safe homes, quality education, good jobs, and affordable healthcare. By representing everyday people at the tables of power, Ryan has won cross-party solutions that serve working-class families in the ways that matter most.”

Ryan lives in Las Vegas, Nevada with his husband, Sean, and their boxer dog, Quincy. Find out more at:

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