Molly Cook Wins Special Election; Will be First LGBTQ+ Texas State Senator

Molly Cook has won the special election to represent District 15 in the Texas Senate and will serve out the remaining term of now-Houston Mayor John Whitmire. Cook makes history as the first out LGBTQ+ member of the upper chamber, which is especially hostile to LGBTQ+ rights.

Molly is an ER nurse, community organizer and advocate for a more sustainable Texas. She will be on the ballot again for the primary runoff election on May 28, where she’s competing for the full term that starts next year.

Annise Parker, president & CEO of LGBTQ+ Victory Fund and former Houston mayor, released the following statement:

“For too long, the LGBTQ+ community has been the punching bag of bigots in the Texas Senate. Now, they’ll have an out LGBTQ+ peer as their colleague who will look them in the eye and make them see the Texans they’re hurting. We know Molly will not only be a powerful voice for LGBTQ+ Texans, she’ll do a wonderful job fighting for the needs of all her constituents in District 15, including myself. Between now and May 28, I’ll be doing everything I can to ensure another victory for Molly and the cause of equality.”

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